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About Echo Bay Ventures

Echo Bay Ventures is a privately held investment fund. We have a great deal of flexibility with the way we invest - it can be across the capital structure, and at different stages in a businesses' evolution. Expect us to invest anywhere from $100k to $2m per check, depending on the investment stage. We also expect to make follow-on investments as your business evolves, and open up any doors along the way in that process. We have a strong network of co-investors who enjoy jumping in alongside us.

We understand that different operators want different things out of their investors. We want to be helpful as required. Occasionally that means showing up once per quarter for investor updates, while other times it means picking up a 2am emergency call from the CEO to help solve a fire-drill. We are comfortable at either end of the spectrum, and anywhere in between. As we've stated earlier, we take a family approach: helping out is what family does for one another.

the team


Our business starts and ends with family. Our Founder, Sandra Page Schlemm, has been investing privately for several decades. Leonard and Courtney support all deal origination, diligence, execution and oversight.


Phone: 415-656-7110

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